niedziela, 11 grudnia 2011

Mała niedźwiedzica

Komiks powstał jako praca końcowa podczas II edycji warsztatów "Dziewczyny Też Rysują Komiksy!". Pozdrawiam i dziękuję serdecznie wszystkim Organizatorom i Prowadzącym, a także Uczestniczkom za ten twórczo i bardzo inspirująco spędzony czas.

"Ursa Minor"
It started with that my heart defect turned out to be a depression./I did not enjoy anything. Maybe I was touched by the Dementor or something?../ I worked in Little Stinky Balls Factory. Here I understood two words: mobbing and exploitation. /" Good always win. Finally somebody will kick their asses! " " In the fables, my dear. In the fables. " /I discovered that there truly ARE evil people.

 I lost my time and health./Everything changed when my mom was eaten by Big Mutant./ I experienced the Nihilistic Enlightenment./I stopped worrying about less important things.


Therefore, I was reduced./ I thought that I'd finally have time for everything./ My Bison went to work for few months. It didn’t have the best influence on me.../...Freedom was changed into the chaos.

 The lack of perspectives made us move out./ We moved into a full house with my family./ It's not easy. Anyway I know who I am, and what I want./ Sometimes I'm sort of happy.

I to samo w kolorze.